
Mindful Music Moments

Imagine an entire school – students, teachers, and administrators – taking time each morning to turn inward together, and listen to a brief mindfulness prompt and world-class music.

Available For: Schools Schools Organizations Organizations Groups & Families Groups & Families Individuals Individuals

The Well's programs combine best practices in arts and wellness and are designed in partnership with those they serve. How do we create our programs? In partnership with others and especially those we serve.

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We love collaborating with local, national and international community partners and peoples in a variety of arts programming and mindfulness practices.


We are a small yet mighty team, dedicated to making a big difference with what we have. Your support means the world to us.

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mindful-poetry-momentsMindful Poetry Moments

Available For: Schools Schools Organizations Organizations Groups & Families Groups & Families Individuals Individuals


Have a question? We'd love to help! Check our Frequently Asked Questions below, or reach out to us here.


Is Mindful Poetry Moments for youth or adults?

Mindful Poetry Moments is truly for all ages. Anyone can access our free mindfulness content and worksheets, which is also automatically available to any school with a Mindful Music Moments account. Our virtual Mindful Poetry Moments Gatherings throughout the year are also open to all ages.

With the exception of Gatherings in April where poems are selected specifically for all ages, some of the poetry content in our Fall/Winter gatherings presented and/or created and shared by participants can be very personal to their lived experiences, and may not always be suitable for younger audiences.

Is Mindful Poetry Moments free?

Yes! Participation in our virtual Gatherings, access to mindfulness content & worksheets, and submissions for our annual publication are completely FREE.

To help sustain the program, we do charge $12 to purchase one of our Mindful Poetry Moments Books, with discounts available for poets and bulk orders.

How can I access the mindfulness content and worksheets?

If you are a school with a Mindful Music Moments account, all Mindful Poetry Moments content will be available in your portal weekly during April. No further sign up necessary.

If you are an individual or a school without a Mindful Music Moments account, you can still access the Mindful Poetry Moments content for FREE by filling out the sign-up form here. You should receive a confirmation email with login credentials after filling out the form.

If you have any trouble accessing the portal or you don't receive the emails you're supposed to, please reach out via email to bryce@thewell.world for assistance.

What poems can be submitted for the annual Mindful Poetry Moments publication?

Poems that are most likely to be accepted for publication are:

  • Written during April/National Poetry Month of the current year.
  • Written in response to one of the curated poems and prompts from either a Mindful Poetry Gathering or the Mindful Poetry Workbook of the current year.

Where do Mindful Poetry Moments events take place?

All of our virtual Gatherings and poetry workshops are hosted online via Zoom at 3 pm EST. You can join a Zoom meeting without creating an account. To join via Zoom, click here.

Our annual book launch is a hybrid event, meaning you can attend in person in Cincinnati (Ohio, USA) or stream it live from anywhere in the world. Check the book launch event page for specific instructions on how to stream. For technical assistance, please contact Bryce at The Well,

Are Mindful Poetry Gatherings recorded? Where can I watch them?

Yes. All of our Mindful Poetry Virtual Gatherings are recorded and posted on our YouTube Channel.

Recordings are posted by the next morning after each Gathering.

If you are participating during a Gathering and would prefer yourself not to appear in the recording, you may keep your camera off and/or decline to share during the Gathering. Or if you share something during the Gathering and would like us to edit it out of the recording, please make a specific request in advance to bryce@thewell.world.

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Our programs have been nourishing the community since 2005. In 2019, we became the non-profit, A Mindful Moment.


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We are a small yet mighty team, dedicated to making a big difference with what we have. Your support means the world to us.


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